PROJECTS | Londonart | Riverside Kitchen


Riverside Kitchen is one of the most renowned kitchen schools in New York City. Londonart decorated this exclusive location with Liviæ Hortus wallpaper.

LIVIÆ HORTUS: designed by Francesca Besso, it’s a botanical garden keeping vegetation from all over the world, palm trees, vines, bushes, and in the foreground a fruit tree reminiscent of Mediterranean gardens. The combination of the fresh shades of green and the colors of the fruits give life to an artistic wall covering capable of brightening up the space. The composition is animated by small birds that fly from one shrub to another. The style of this composition is timeless and brings us back to ancient illustrations and frescoes.


Location: New York, US

Year: 2020

Product / Support: Liviæ Hortus wallpaper / Raw-S120 / Non-woven Vinyl Substrate for interior

Discover the whole range of Londonart products at the upcoming HD Expo Las Vegas, August 24-25, 2021.

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