PROJECTS | Londonart | CASACOR Miami

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CASACOR Miami brings together an international and local roster of architects, interior designers and landscapers to present their signature styles along with the latest interior furnishings, art, color trends, textiles, lighting, home accessories and global culture.

Londonart supplied 2 design wallpapers: Blitz and Looks in the forest.

  • BLITZ: Designed by Riccardo Zulato and made from ultra-thin special fibre glass yarn, obtained by fusion at a temperature of 1400°. Thanks to this procedure, the fibresmaintain the chemical and physical properties of glass, even in fabric form. It has an embossed surface like a slub fabric. Glass is flameproof.
  • LOOKS IN THE FOREST: Designed Francesca Besso, it’s a tropical jungle animated by lemurs that observe the viewer with a careful gaze, a landscape capable of decorating and giving a new dimension and perspective to walls, thanks to the dark tones animated by the colorful details of the vegetation.

Location: Brickell City Centre (BCC), Miami, Florida, US
Year: 2020
Product and Support: Blitz & Looks in the forest wallpapers / Kanda-S340 / Non-woven Vinyl Substrate for interior

casacor miami londonart
casacor miami londonart

Discover the whole range of Londonart products at the upcoming HD Expo Las Vegas, August 24-25, 2021.

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